
Inner Verse Podcast: Healing Our Psychic Schisms: Autonomous Ego States, Higher Self, & Dark Entities
“Dr. Thomas Zinser is a hypnotherapist and soul-retriever with decades of experience in treating dissociative and split personality patients. In his book Soul Centered Healing,

ASC-ing Thomas Zinser about Soul-Centered Healing
Today we discuss the effects of trauma and the creation of sub-personalities. Thomas reflects on how to heal these damaged entities, in a deeply moving

Soul-Centered Healing Webinar
Introduction to Soul-Centered Healing: A webinar presented by the Scientific and Medical Network.

The Higher Side Chat
Interview with Dr. Tom Zinser on Sub-Personalities, Entity Attachment, and Gerod.

Multidimensional Evolution: Soul-Centered Healing with Dr. Tom Zinser
“My guest today is Tom Zinser who spoke with me from his home in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I am really excited about being able to

Lighting The Void Radio: The Spirit World, And Soul-Centered Healing With Dr. Tom Zinser
“Dr. Tom Zinser. is a hypnotherapist and spiritual healer (Retired), author, and international speaker living in Grand Rapids, MI. After serving as a staff psychologist

Soul-Centered Healing: An Interview on
Dr. Zinser interviewed on Skeptico by Alex Tsakaris This is my first meeting with Alex and it’s a wide-ranging interview on Soul-Centered Healing . The initial invitation

Soul-Centered Healing: An Interview with Dr. Tom Zinser
An impromptu interview of Tom Zinser by David Furlong, Director of the Spirit Release Forum.